Contact Jamie on 0858484707 for all enquiries or see www.facebook.com/galwayrehearsalstudios

EMAIL: ojamie@gmail.com
Galway Rehearsal Studios is located just off the Tuam Road in Ballybane Industrial Estate, opposite Kieran Farrell Tyres.
DIRECTIONS FROM GALWAY CITY - If coming from Galway City, take the right hand turn into the Estate BEFORE Northpoint, and AFTER Monaghan's Centra/Supermac's on your left. Take first left at the top of the the twisty hill, follow signs for Galway Rehearsal Studios and Kieran Farrell Tyres (opposite), we are located around the right hand corner.​
DIRECTIONS FROM TUAM - Take first left after Northpoint, and then first left at the top of the the twisty hill, follow signs for Galway Rehearsal Studios and Kieran Farrell Tyres (opposite), we are located around the right hand corner.

DIRECTIONS FROM DUBLIN/LIMERICK ROADS - On N6 Dual Carriageway PASS The Clayton Hotel on your left and at next intersection take the right hand turn, and then first left into Ballybane Industrial Estate. Continue on and turn right past FYFFES on the right hand side, follow sign for Kieran Farrell Tyres (opposite), we are located around the right hand corner.

BUS ROUTE 405 will bring you very close - ask to be dropped at the Texaco Station on the Tuam Road, or ask for the closest stop to Supermacs on the Tuam Road and follow the directions outlined above.